Thursday, December 12, 2013

On Saturday, 30 November 2013, a team from LOTWC made its initial visit to Hospital Jose Nieborowski in Boaco, Nicaragua.  As a new location we were not sure what we would find as facilities and hosts when we arrived.
Our team included:  Penny Abramawicz, Ron Ashley, Sheila Boyle, Mark Brown, Carolyn Cardinale, Brian Donn, Joanne Fisher, Chloe Harshman, Rene Loyola, Valerie McAllister,  Donato and Kim Viggiano.
We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived in Boaco.  It is in a beautiful location in the mountains outside of Managua.  On Sunday when we were driven to the hospital we were welcomed by a new facility and an operating room staff that was warm and welcoming.
We completed our week providing 47 surgical procedures.  

Every member of our team as well as the local operating room staff and hospital administration happily anticipate our next visit.


When Light of the World Charities first visited St. Joseph’ Hospital in 2007 there were two rooms designed as operating rooms.  Unfortunately they had no surgical or anesthesia equipment to be a functioning surgical suite.

With assistance from Light of the World Charities, our donors, supporters and volunteers LOTWC has been able to provide the necessary equipment to become a fully functional operating room suite.

Sister Doctor Urbani and her Sisters of our Lady of Kilimanjaro have morphed a small health care facility into a more diverse and comprehensive hospital.

Since my last visit there in 2009 I was amazed to see the changes made.  Sister Doctor Urbani has built a new women and children unit and is currently constructing a new building that will house a laundry facility, a laboratory and training facility for laboratory technicians as well as temporary housing for patient families.

Sister Doctor Urbani is open to asking for help and gratefully accepting it.  She and the Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro have proven themselves worthy of praise and prayers.  Their main focus is on providing health care and surgical services to those in need.  They understand that is honorable to accept help from outside sources in order to improve their own.  

They accept God’s will and have faith that He will continue to help His people.