Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Could't Hear and Now I can....

I Couldn't Hear and Now I Can....

Hi, my name is Luis,

I was born in Comayagua, Honduras in 2000.  I was born totally deaf.  Honduras has no special education programs for children with disabilities.  I couldn't go to school  My mother taught me sign language to use at home.

The loving people from LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES discovered me and realized that I needed help.  Some very loving and caring nurses from LOTWC, Jeanne Teter, Linda Mendelson and others, worked diligently to bring me to Florida for surgery.

They convinced MEDTRONICS to donate a Cochlear implant, a generous and dedicated surgeon volunteered his skills to perform the procedure, Arnold Stocker, CRNA, volunteered to do my anesthesia and the hospital in Miami offered the use of their operating room to help me.

I stayed in Florida for six months while I had speech therapy, in Spanish!  Jeanne Teter and Linda Mendelson welcomed me into their homes while I visited your wonderful country.  After six months of speech therapy and experiencing the love of such wonderful people, I returned home to Honduras to join my mother and sister.

I'm now in school.  I'm the oldest in my class because I started school so late. I'm doing really good and will soon be with my peers in the correct school year.

When I visited the LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES group in 2011 I read from my school book and answered their questions.  We had conversations.  It was interesting seeing these grown-ups cry.  I didn't understand it.

I'm my picture, I'm listening to an iPad.  I played the drums and the guitar on Garage Band and listened to music.  It was so COOL!

Muchas Gracias, Doktor...

Helping restore dignity to one patient at a time!

Sheila Boyle, RN, Dr. Michael Lustgarten and Mark Brown, RN

visited Centro Medico San Benito Jose in Comayagua, Honduras to offer their help with LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES.

I'm 60 years old and my prostate is so big that I can't empty my bladder when I feel the need. When I start, I can't control it.  I dribble and make a mess.  I wake up four times every night feeling the need to empty my bladder.

I've had nine babies.  My pelvis is shot!  I have no control over my bladder.  I laugh, I sneeze, I cough, I wet myself.

Dr. Lustgarten and other surgeons visit Comayagua to offer their skill and help so we may lead more normal lives.  Without their help we'd still be suffering and embarrassing ourselves and our families.

We can't thank these generous people enough.  We know that they couldn't do what they do without the generous donations of the American people who care about others.

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and give glory to God."

Matthew 5:16

After 16 years I have a real ear...

After 16 years I have a real ear.....

Antonio is a 16 year old young man in Comayagua, Honduras.  He was born without a normal, external right ear.  We all know how cruel people and especially children can be.  Antonio went through life with people making fun of him because he wasn't NORMAL.

Were you every overweight, clumsy, too tall, too short, a face full of acne?  Can you identify with being the focus of ridicule?  Did you have a friend who was called names or bullied?

Those of us in the USA know we are lucky to live here.  We have so many opportunities and so many options.  Honduras and other third world countries don't have these options or opportunities.

Without Dr. Mario Loomis, a Plastic Surgeon from New York who freely volunteers his time and skills with LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES, Antonio would still be facing ridicule from his peers.

Dr. Loomis has said that normally it takes three separate procedures to reconstruct an external ear. He is extremely pleased with this success after only one procedure.

Antonio also had skin covering his right ear canal. Dr. Loomis opened that.  When Antonio awakened from anesthesia, Theresa Banks asked him if he could hear.  Antonio responded with a smile and said, "igual" meaning equal.  He could now hear with both ears.

Both Antonio and Dr. Loomis are truly thrilled with the success. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

HONDURAS June 2013

LOTWC made another visit to Centro Medico San Benito Jose in Comayagua, Honduras in June, 2013.

Adrian Vinas, the son of Dr. Yvette Laclasutra, did a wonderful job of producing a web site that includes numerous photographs of our trip.

There are three tabs at the top of the webpage under which are many photos.  The section titled "Mission" does include some graphic pictures of surgeries.  If you are sensitive to such things, you might wish to just check the other albums.  

Follow the link below: