Friday, May 10, 2013

7-13 April 2013 - - - Honduras, Medico Centro San Benito Jose

We had a wonderfully successful first mission for 2013.  Our group of 29 volunteers completed 168 surgical procedures and 120 dental procedures.  Four surgeons joined us, Dr. Mario Loomis, Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gene Manko, Gynecologist, Dr. Barry Miskin, General Surgery, and Dr. Andrew Seltzer, Orthopaedics.  The rest of the team, without whom the surgeons could not have succeeded include:  (listed alphabetically) Bob Albeck, CRNA, Marie Argana, Non-medical, Theresa Banks, RN-CNOR-RNFA, Donna Batta, RN, Therese Becker, DA, Dr. Michael Brody, Melanie Brooks, RN, Mark Brown, RN, Melinda Burnett, CSTFA, Beth Compitello, ST, Liz DePhillipo, RN, Dr, Dave Girlinghouse, Deriott Irvin, CST, Jennifer Kelly, RN, Joe Loomis, Dedicated son, Linda Manko, RNFA, Gloria McGraw, CST, Laura Reminsovsky-Morales, RN, Louis Terranova, CST, Dr. Mary Torchia, Dot Vanderhoff, RN, and Lisa Webb, RN.