Thursday, December 12, 2013

On Saturday, 30 November 2013, a team from LOTWC made its initial visit to Hospital Jose Nieborowski in Boaco, Nicaragua.  As a new location we were not sure what we would find as facilities and hosts when we arrived.
Our team included:  Penny Abramawicz, Ron Ashley, Sheila Boyle, Mark Brown, Carolyn Cardinale, Brian Donn, Joanne Fisher, Chloe Harshman, Rene Loyola, Valerie McAllister,  Donato and Kim Viggiano.
We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived in Boaco.  It is in a beautiful location in the mountains outside of Managua.  On Sunday when we were driven to the hospital we were welcomed by a new facility and an operating room staff that was warm and welcoming.
We completed our week providing 47 surgical procedures.  

Every member of our team as well as the local operating room staff and hospital administration happily anticipate our next visit.


When Light of the World Charities first visited St. Joseph’ Hospital in 2007 there were two rooms designed as operating rooms.  Unfortunately they had no surgical or anesthesia equipment to be a functioning surgical suite.

With assistance from Light of the World Charities, our donors, supporters and volunteers LOTWC has been able to provide the necessary equipment to become a fully functional operating room suite.

Sister Doctor Urbani and her Sisters of our Lady of Kilimanjaro have morphed a small health care facility into a more diverse and comprehensive hospital.

Since my last visit there in 2009 I was amazed to see the changes made.  Sister Doctor Urbani has built a new women and children unit and is currently constructing a new building that will house a laundry facility, a laboratory and training facility for laboratory technicians as well as temporary housing for patient families.

Sister Doctor Urbani is open to asking for help and gratefully accepting it.  She and the Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro have proven themselves worthy of praise and prayers.  Their main focus is on providing health care and surgical services to those in need.  They understand that is honorable to accept help from outside sources in order to improve their own.  

They accept God’s will and have faith that He will continue to help His people.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Laurie Schwab, Luz Elera & Joe Risi


Light of the World Charities hosted a fun, fundraising event on Saturday, 28 September 2013 in our new location.

 Some of our dedicated volunteers spent hours cooking tasty morsels originating from the localities we visit.  To list a few of the items available: empanadas from Honduras, curried beef from Haiti and Samosas from Tanzania.  We also provided beer from the locations, alas, the wines were more commonplace.
 Our visitors had the opportunity to tour our new office and warehouse space, enjoy phenomenal photos taken by our own Ron Ashley and speak with many volunteers who have made numerous mission trips with Light of the World. Our visitors enjoyed speaking with many of us and hearing first-hand accounts of what we really do on our missions.

One lucky visitor. Luz Elera, won a cruise for two in our raffle, she was truly excited.  Those who didn’t win the cruise still enjoyed the experience shared by all of us.   Joe Risi, owner,  St Lucie West Cruises, Tours & More, donated the cruise.

 We anticipate repeating our fundraising event again in the future with new and exciting tastes, stories and experiences.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ok, firstly, I'm not crazy about posting pictures of myself.  Long story!  Interested in why?   Call me, I'll explain. These photos were taken of me with the kids because of my iPad and iPhone and how these wonderful tools kept them entertained while they were awaiting surgery. The third photo was just too cute, with the little one shaking hands.

I offer my iPhone and iPad to the kids in the pre-op area to offer them some distraction while they are awaiting surgery.  They love playing the guitar, piano and drums on the iPad as well as the funny photos one can take with Photo Booth.  

I've sent a request to Apple to see if they will donate some iPads, but I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for then to donate.

I'm not a game player, so I don't have games downloaded on my iPad but I need to do it just to give the young ones something else to do.

I also have an app on my iPad called VISIBLE BODY that shows anatomy and is a great teaching tool to explain what is happening in surgery.  Such a wonderful tool to let patients and volunteers know what we are doing.

Education is a large part of our mission.  Our patient population is generally less educated than we are, so any education we can offer is welcome.

                                 September 8-14, 2013

Centro Medico San Benito Jose

Comayagua, Honduras

A LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES team just completed another successful surgical mission to Honduras. 

Once again, LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES, our donors and benefactors, our dedicated volunteers and our medical professionals who continue to offer their skills and services to those who truly need our help, have proven that WE CAN change lives, one life at a time.

This brigade included: 

Dr. Kyle Loy, ENT Surgeon, from Indiana and his support team of Jodell Sams, RN from  Colorado, Beth Compitello, Surg Tech from Florida and Meg Hanna, CRNA from Indiana. 

Dr. David Barbara General Surgeon,  Donna Batta, RN,  Chloe Harshman, Surg Tech and Dr. Mark Tasch, Anesthesiologist, all from Indiana and Ann Long, RNFA from Florida.

Dr. Michael Lustgarten, Urologist, Mary “Mia” Mitchell, RN,, Louie Terranova, Surg Tech, all from Florida and Maria de Jesus, Nurse Anesthesia from Comayagua, Honduras.

Dr. Antonio Beltran, Urologist,, Mark Brown, RN, Cathy Collins, Surg Tech, all from Florida and Dr. Patrick O’Neil, Anesthesiologist, from Indiana.

Our Pre-op and Recovery Room RNs were Mary Lettieri, Jeanne Teter, Patty Greer and Amy Nagy.

Dr. John Karpinski, Oral Surgeon from Florida and Marina McCusker, Dental Assistant, from Florida provided our dental care.

Dr.David Girlinghouse, DDS and Theresa Banks, RN, CNOR, RNFA joined us as team leaders and Dr. Mary Torchia, Anesthesiologist, from Ohio acted as our lead Anesthesiologist.

Dr. Loy and his team provided tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies, and sinus surgeries for 33 patients.

Dr. David Barbara and his team provided much needed gallbladder removals and hernia repairs for 17 patients.

Dr. Michael Lustgarten and his team performed 20 prostate procedures as well as procedures for other urinary issues.

Dr. Antonio Beltran and his team performed 24 prostate procedures and other urinary issues.

Our surgeons provided  surgeries for 49 children who would otherwise not have had surgical corrections available.

Dr. John Karpinski and Marina McCusker  completed  209 dental procedures and 268 examinations and consultations.

In total we provided  379 patients with 330 surgical and dental procedures and 379 surgical and dental consultations.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hopefully you’re received our latest newsletter.  It has a new look and filled with new and exciting information about our accomplishments.  None of which would happen without your help and support.

We are having a raffle to win a FIVE NIGHT CRUISE FOR TWO in a balcony stateroom on ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINES.  The value of the cruise is $2,200 and can be used for trips to the Caribbean, Bermuda or Europe and can be used anytime except Christmas and New Year.

The drawing will be held at our AROUND THE WORLD FUNDRAISER on 28 September 2013 at the Light of the World office in Palm City, FL.  You do not need to be  present for the drawing.

Any donation of $10 or more via the website or in person, will be entered into the drawing.  If you donate via the website and want to be entered more than once, a $10 or more donation will have to be entered separately on the website.

Please make sure that your donations are entered before 12 noon on 28 September 2013.

When you enter on our website, please be sure to include your email address.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Could't Hear and Now I can....

I Couldn't Hear and Now I Can....

Hi, my name is Luis,

I was born in Comayagua, Honduras in 2000.  I was born totally deaf.  Honduras has no special education programs for children with disabilities.  I couldn't go to school  My mother taught me sign language to use at home.

The loving people from LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES discovered me and realized that I needed help.  Some very loving and caring nurses from LOTWC, Jeanne Teter, Linda Mendelson and others, worked diligently to bring me to Florida for surgery.

They convinced MEDTRONICS to donate a Cochlear implant, a generous and dedicated surgeon volunteered his skills to perform the procedure, Arnold Stocker, CRNA, volunteered to do my anesthesia and the hospital in Miami offered the use of their operating room to help me.

I stayed in Florida for six months while I had speech therapy, in Spanish!  Jeanne Teter and Linda Mendelson welcomed me into their homes while I visited your wonderful country.  After six months of speech therapy and experiencing the love of such wonderful people, I returned home to Honduras to join my mother and sister.

I'm now in school.  I'm the oldest in my class because I started school so late. I'm doing really good and will soon be with my peers in the correct school year.

When I visited the LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES group in 2011 I read from my school book and answered their questions.  We had conversations.  It was interesting seeing these grown-ups cry.  I didn't understand it.

I'm my picture, I'm listening to an iPad.  I played the drums and the guitar on Garage Band and listened to music.  It was so COOL!

Muchas Gracias, Doktor...

Helping restore dignity to one patient at a time!

Sheila Boyle, RN, Dr. Michael Lustgarten and Mark Brown, RN

visited Centro Medico San Benito Jose in Comayagua, Honduras to offer their help with LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES.

I'm 60 years old and my prostate is so big that I can't empty my bladder when I feel the need. When I start, I can't control it.  I dribble and make a mess.  I wake up four times every night feeling the need to empty my bladder.

I've had nine babies.  My pelvis is shot!  I have no control over my bladder.  I laugh, I sneeze, I cough, I wet myself.

Dr. Lustgarten and other surgeons visit Comayagua to offer their skill and help so we may lead more normal lives.  Without their help we'd still be suffering and embarrassing ourselves and our families.

We can't thank these generous people enough.  We know that they couldn't do what they do without the generous donations of the American people who care about others.

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and give glory to God."

Matthew 5:16

After 16 years I have a real ear...

After 16 years I have a real ear.....

Antonio is a 16 year old young man in Comayagua, Honduras.  He was born without a normal, external right ear.  We all know how cruel people and especially children can be.  Antonio went through life with people making fun of him because he wasn't NORMAL.

Were you every overweight, clumsy, too tall, too short, a face full of acne?  Can you identify with being the focus of ridicule?  Did you have a friend who was called names or bullied?

Those of us in the USA know we are lucky to live here.  We have so many opportunities and so many options.  Honduras and other third world countries don't have these options or opportunities.

Without Dr. Mario Loomis, a Plastic Surgeon from New York who freely volunteers his time and skills with LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHARITIES, Antonio would still be facing ridicule from his peers.

Dr. Loomis has said that normally it takes three separate procedures to reconstruct an external ear. He is extremely pleased with this success after only one procedure.

Antonio also had skin covering his right ear canal. Dr. Loomis opened that.  When Antonio awakened from anesthesia, Theresa Banks asked him if he could hear.  Antonio responded with a smile and said, "igual" meaning equal.  He could now hear with both ears.

Both Antonio and Dr. Loomis are truly thrilled with the success. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

HONDURAS June 2013

LOTWC made another visit to Centro Medico San Benito Jose in Comayagua, Honduras in June, 2013.

Adrian Vinas, the son of Dr. Yvette Laclasutra, did a wonderful job of producing a web site that includes numerous photographs of our trip.

There are three tabs at the top of the webpage under which are many photos.  The section titled "Mission" does include some graphic pictures of surgeries.  If you are sensitive to such things, you might wish to just check the other albums.  

Follow the link below:

Friday, May 10, 2013

7-13 April 2013 - - - Honduras, Medico Centro San Benito Jose

We had a wonderfully successful first mission for 2013.  Our group of 29 volunteers completed 168 surgical procedures and 120 dental procedures.  Four surgeons joined us, Dr. Mario Loomis, Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gene Manko, Gynecologist, Dr. Barry Miskin, General Surgery, and Dr. Andrew Seltzer, Orthopaedics.  The rest of the team, without whom the surgeons could not have succeeded include:  (listed alphabetically) Bob Albeck, CRNA, Marie Argana, Non-medical, Theresa Banks, RN-CNOR-RNFA, Donna Batta, RN, Therese Becker, DA, Dr. Michael Brody, Melanie Brooks, RN, Mark Brown, RN, Melinda Burnett, CSTFA, Beth Compitello, ST, Liz DePhillipo, RN, Dr, Dave Girlinghouse, Deriott Irvin, CST, Jennifer Kelly, RN, Joe Loomis, Dedicated son, Linda Manko, RNFA, Gloria McGraw, CST, Laura Reminsovsky-Morales, RN, Louis Terranova, CST, Dr. Mary Torchia, Dot Vanderhoff, RN, and Lisa Webb, RN.

Monday, April 29, 2013

On 24 April 2013, Theresa Banks, President and Founder of Light of the World Charities was given a donation check from the Knights of Columbus.  The check was proudly presented by Grand Knight Ron Robinson, Martin Council No. 6241.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We Told You Not To Miss It!


The supporters of Light of the World Charities just spent the most enjoyable evening at the annual banquet held at the Harbour Ridge Yacht and Country Club on Saturday, March 16th.  There were the usual outstanding hors d’oeuvres and the dinner was great, but the biggest surprise was the entertainment. The Atlantic City Boys, four young male singers, brought some of our senior citizens out of their seats to dance as they performed the music of Frankie Valli.  It was like attending a showing of “Jersey Boys.”  Laurie Schwab was the chairwoman and with her exceptional committee of volunteers produced a successful and exciting evening.  Dr.Paul Schoppe was the master of ceremonies and Dr. Michael Lustgarten was the guest speaker.  Dick Kelly and Carol Cregg were recognized for their contribution to LOTWC over the years.  The Special Appeal brought in ($20,000 pledged) which will supplement the monies previously obtained from the Frances Langford Foundation for the much needed autoclave sterilizer.  You really had to be there!  A good time was had by all!!

Dr. Paul Schoppe as our MC, did a marvelous job of keeping us entertained and informed about the wondrous accomplishments of Light of the World Charities.


Michael Lustgarten, MD was our Guest Speaker.  Dr. Lustgarten made his first mission trip in September 2012 to San Benito Jose Medical Center in Comayagua, Honduras.  He spoke seriously about his life changing experiences.  He talked of the personal satisfaction of being able to help so many and his anticipation to return to Honduras in September 2013.  He also spoke about his wonderful nurses who catered to his every whim and treated him like a king.  Since his return to Florida he has been working diligently in acquiring need equipment and support for our mission.
The beautiful ladies who are dedicated to helping Light of the World Charities achieving our mission goals.  From left to right, back to front are:  Liz Stiles, Barbara Brinley, Beverly Hands, Beth Compitello, Rene Walsh, Maureen O'Connor, Dianna Reddish and Therese Becker.
The Chairperson of our 2013 Annual Benefit Banquet is Laurie Schwab, here with her husband, Mark Novak and Nicki & David Schoonover.


Joe Zarro with St. Vincent DePaul and his St. Vincent DePaul friends shared a table at Harbour Ridge Yacht and Country Club.
Light of the World Charities Founder and President, Theresa Banks, is surrounded by the handsome young men of The Atlantic City Boys who provided music that reminded all of us our youth.
We see smiling faces of our benefactors enjoying The Atlantic City Boys who performed music of the Jersey Boys.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Stateside Surgery Begins Again



Light of the World Charities introduced Stateside Surgery in September, 2011, but unfortunately it was closed down when the storm, Isaac, came through Florida in August and flooded LOTWC’s offices.

On Saturday, February 2nd, Stateside Surgery re-opened at the Surgery Center of Stuart.  Volunteer doctors, Michael Lustgarten, Rene Loyola and Keith Ingram donated their time and skills in helping four qualifying patients resolve their surgical problems.  The doctors were supported by eight medical and non-medical volunteers.  Stateside Surgery is a program set up to serve those patients who qualify and are in need of outpatient surgical procedures, such as cataract surgery, skin surgery, hernia surgery, urological surgery, gynecological surgery and all surgical specialties.  For more information, call 772-223-9785.

LOTWC Dental Clinic Re-opens 2013



On Friday, January 11th, Light of the World’s Free Dental Clinic reopened at their new offices on Mapp Road in Palm City.  The dental clinic had been closed for four months due to severe flooding from storm “Isaac.”  Twelve patients were treated by volunteer doctors, David Girlinghouse, DDS and George Lundstedt, DDS. One patient said he had been taking three Aleves every day to relieve his pain while waiting for the clinic to reopen.  Another patient, whose appointment was scheduled the day of the storm and consequently canceled, said the pain in his tooth was so bad he tried to extract it himself.  Both gentlemen left the clinic on Friday with their dental problems resolved and relieved from their pain.  It is the goal of the clinic goal to provide compassionate and quality care while respecting the dignity of each one of its clients.


The clinic, ordinarily open two Fridays a month,  is presently open three Fridays each month because of the backup due to its closure.  There are seven volunteer dentists who work on a rotating basis and who are supported by volunteer dentists and volunteer office assistants.  The clinic is located at 1508 SW Mapp Road in Palm City and is open to all patients with qualifying income and no dental insurance.  The telephone number for the clinic is 772-223-9784.